Food Parcels
If we thought the need to provide food parcels would cease after we came out of the Covid-19 lockdown, we couldn't have been more wrong. We have seen a serious increase in the demand for this service due to the recent cost of living crisis within our community. We operate a 2 week cycle for the provision of food parcels so please be patient with the process and do not wait until you are desperate before contacting us. We have donation points in all major local supermarkets and supplement this supply with the purchase of goods from financial donations and grants from various sources.
Whilst we can meet your basic needs for staying healthy and fed and will work to satisfy any dietary restrictions, we are not in a position to fulfil requests for specific items or brands.
Our preferred method for obtaining food parcel requests is via the online form obtainable by clicking here, you can also contact us via email or telephone but we will then need to contact you to help with the form completion.
Telephone: 01525 837219